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Can Dogs Eat Nutmeg?

Can Dogs Eat Nutmeg

Nutmeg is a kind of spice that has a great aroma, and its smell can get the attention of anyone, so it is quite obvious that it can catch the attention of dogs too. Be it anything, they smell it first, and then they eat.

They can eat anything they want, but the question arises should they eat anything? Should dogs eat nutmeg? The answer is no. It is not possible for the dogs to eat too many spices like nutmeg as it can cause various health problems such as increased heart rate, dehydration, high blood pressure, disorientation, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

Nutmeg is used in the baking process to make baked food items such as cakes, pies, etc. If your dog ate a baked food containing nutmeg, it might not cause any severe problem other than vomiting and diarrhea.

But that does not mean you keep on feeding them baked food items only as baked food also contains other harmful ingredients such as xylitol, raisins, chocolate, salt, sugar, butter, etc. that can cause life-threatening diseases. Besides, nutmeg also contains a compound known as myristicin which can even lead to the sad demise of your dog, and you can lose your beloved pet.

A 1 tsp of nutmeg contains:

  • Calories: 12
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 1 gram
  • Carbohydrates: 1 gram
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 1 gram

Why Is Nutmeg Harmful to Dogs?

Eating nutmeg in high quantities can be dangerous in the same way chocolate is. It can be poisonous to dogs, so it’s best to keep spices like nutmeg away from dogs and should be kept at the top so that it can’t be accessible to them. Nutmeg is not only dangerous to dogs, but it is also dangerous to humans because it can cause hallucinations and other severe health problems.

Nutmeg is a spice that comes from Myristica seeds which have a bittersweet taste. Nutmeg in large amounts can cause myristicin which can induce convulsions, palpitations, nausea, and general body pain. If you suspect that your dog had ingested nutmeg when you were not there to supervise him, then don’t panic. Just try to figure out the amount of nutmeg consumed.

If he has ingested a large amount of nutmeg, then he will give you the signs of it such as increased heart rate, hallucinations, dry mouth, diarrhea, vomiting, disorientation, nausea, high blood pressure, tremors, abdominal pain, seizures, and even death in extreme cases. These signs can last up to 48 hours, but you don’t have to wait for the 48 hours as soon as you find any of these symptoms just contact your vet and make sure your dog gets prompt medical treatment.

Any of these symptoms can pose a serious threat if left untreated. Also, don’t forget to keep in mind the size and weight of your pet. If you have a large one and he has eaten just one piece of any baked item containing nutmeg, then there is no need to worry as he won’t be at the same risk of getting the situation worst. But if you have a puppy and he has eaten one or more slices of that baked item that there is a need to worry. Rush to the hospital or call on the pet poison helpline.

It is the helpline of the pet poison center, which is available 24×7, and they have better equipment and vets as they are specialized in curing poison. They will help in recover your pet and instruct you on how to be careful in the future. They will also give you a list of all the poisonous items that should be kept away from the dogs, closed, and at the top where they can’t reach.

Now, if your dog has ingested nutmeg in small amounts and you can’t see any side effects, then felicitations your pet is safe. Even if he shows normal signs like vomiting and diarrhea, it is absolutely fine as it is quite obvious that the stomach will throw unwanted substances out of the body. However, on the safer side, closely watch your dog for at least 24 hours and give him light and boiled food.


Long story short, your dog should not eat nutmeg as it contains a compound called Myristica which can cause poisoning in dogs. Nutmeg is used in the baking process to make baked food items such as cakes, pies, etc.

If your dog ate a baked food containing nutmeg, it might not cause any severe problem other than vomiting and diarrhea. But that does not mean you keep on feeding them baked food items only as baked food also contains other harmful ingredients such as xylitol, raisins, chocolate, salt, sugar, butter, etc.

that can cause life-threatening diseases. Nutmeg in large amounts can cause myristicin which can induce convulsions, palpitations, nausea, and general body pain. If he has ingested a large amount of nutmeg, then he will give you the signs of it such as increased heart rate, hallucinations, dry mouth, diarrhea, vomiting, disorientation, nausea, high blood pressure, tremors, abdominal pain, seizures, and even death in extreme cases.

These signs can last up to 48 hours, but you don’t have to wait for 48 hours. As soon as you find any of these symptoms, just contact your vet and make sure your dog gets prompt medical treatment. It is recommended to keep such kinds of harmful substances away from dogs so as to prevent them from severe diseases. They can even lose their lives.

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